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Annual Meeting
Altered States, Sound, Ritual and Healing Today, Both in Traditional Cultures and Non Traditional
Healing is one function attributed to shamanic practice and is fundamental to many of the esoteric principals of ritual and spiritual healing beliefs that have been part of our world’s cultures. Sound weather chanting, sacred sounds, and instruments of varying types are also used to form the vessel of healing. Exploring the various uses and meaning of ritual, sound, and altered states invites a deeper understanding of why these elements are conflated into the healing arts of many cultures ancient and newly forming sub-cultures around the world. The theme of the 2018 conference concerns the diverse ways in which these healing practices are used and being transformed by technology and modern world philosophy; and how these modalities of sound and ritual have significance in healing practices around the world today.
We invite papers, panel proposals and workshops on topics such as:
- Rituals, spiritual traditions & techniques that transform consciousness for healing
- Transformative healing and other energy healing modalities
- Phenomenology, transpersonal psychology and subtle energy research
- Transformative power of myth and archetypes including modern myths
- Entheogens and psychoactive substances, music and festival as healing practice.
- Liminal states, chanting, and sound, including electronica and dance
- Mind-body interaction / Interface between spirit and matter
- Shamanism as a path of transformation
- Anomalous human abilities (clairvoyance, psychokinesis, levitation, etc.)
- Addiction and altered states research and practice
- Entheogens and psychoactive substances in ceremony and phenomenology of sacred sound; Ayahuasca song, drumming, Buddhist chants, Vedic mantras and Peyote ceremonial songs
SAC also invites submissions of experiential and learning workshops that will benefit personal and professional growth, exploring the interrelationships among subtle energy, consciousness and healing. Workshops will be open to presenters from many disciplines as well being open to general public for a nominal fee which will be shared with presenters.